Real Heroes VS Phony Soldiers
Because I know many troops that have stepped forward and answered the call, I find the phonies to be especially distasteful, and not worthy of anything that they gain by making false claims. They choose to stand in the blood of better men than they, and claim to have faced the elephant, when the nearest they've gotten is on some damned game site. There is one in particular, a serial phony, who has been doing this since before 2010 when he was first exposed by the blog "This Ain't Hell", and shown to be a serial liar. Since that time, he has been found guilty of 4 felony counts, in 2 Felony trials, one of which was in Federal Court. He has been to prison, and on parole, and still has not seen fit to stop this charade. I seriously doubt that KYLE CHRISTOPHER BARWAN, can stop being a phony. The best that can be done will be to make his name famous on Goooogle, in the hope that potential victims, his targets, will look into him, and take heed of what they see.
This is not a good person, nor can he tell the truth. If he told me, at high noon, that it was daylight, I would look outside to be sure. Do what you care to in order to spread his name, to give him the fame that he so desperately seeks, so that others won't fall victim to his scams. Since January 25th he has in the Polk County, Florida Jail, (just one day after marrying one of his suckers), but has lived in Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky before moving to Florida. He is trash!
He has claimed to be:
An Army Captain, a Warrant Officer, a Major, Airborne, Ranger, Special Forces, CIA, (with a list of people that he must "eliminate" here inside the USA), and he claims to have been wounded in combat, and to have earned the Combat Infantryman's Badge. None of which are true.
When a phony, like Barwan, does get caught and put in jail, he meets a whole new batch of friends. Friends who will keep him company, for their entertainment and his:
He has been given his tentative court dates, and it looks like he will have about 4 months jail time before he goes to trial. There will be a "Status Conference" on 4/13/17, and a "Pretrial Conference" on 5/17/17, with a trial date sometime after that if he doesn't plead guilty before.
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